Sunday, October 11, 2009

A New addition To the Ribbon Hearts

Due to the many requests I have received for a Yellow Ribbon Heart, I finally gave in and here it is!

It's quite pretty! The Yellow Ribbon symbolizes our support for the men and women serving in the Armed Forces to keep this country safe. God Bless Them!!

You can click on the title or the picture for more information on purchasing one. Thank you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ovarian & Breast Cancer Awareness

As you can see, I'm not much of a 'blogger'. But I feel this is a very blog worthy topic. I have recently begun to make Swarovski Crystal Puffy Hearts with a pink or teal colored ribbon design. Each color represents Breast Cancer Awareness and Ovarian Cancer Awareness respectively.

Hundreds of women each and every year struggle to fight and survive these illnesses. Many do not survive. No, I do not have cancer in case you were wondering. But I watched some people very important people in my life fight and die from cancer.

I want to do something about it! So I have decided to make these Swarovski hearts bearing the ribbons. I will be donating all profits made from the sale of these hearts to cancer research. I am currently working on building a webpage dedicated to the progress of the sales and donation amounts and I will post a link as soon as it is complete.

So PLEASE, if you know of anyone who would be interested in purchasing or helping with any aspect of this fund raising venture share this blog with them. Or send me an email to;

You can also click on the pictures above to view the hearts and purchase if you choose to help support a very worthy cause. Thank you very much for your time!